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Where To Purchase hCG:

This is the only safe, reliable and quick delivery place we recommend to purchase hCG (last update was February 18, 2014):

Gold Pharma

Please understand the following:

  • They only carry ONE brand of hCG: Brevactid
  • They only carry two vial sizes: 1500iu (enough for about 12 injections) or 5000iu (enough for about 40 injections)
  • They only sell it in packs of three (you cannot purchase just one vial)
  • You are ordering from overseas. Brevactid is a German brand of hCG and is manufactured in that country.  You are NOT ordering from Germany, it is just a German brand.
  • You do NOT use the liquid that comes with the order.  If you need supplies for dosing, either via injections or sublingual, you can purchase here.

If you have further questions regarding purchasing hCG, please email us using this contact form.